

Saturday, May 1, 2010

What would you do

A couple of years back, the WSOP TV coverage had a spot on a handicapped gentleman that basically did not have arms and was playing the Main with his feet. I felt at the time that it was a heart warming story and how cool it was that the guy didn't let his disability get in the way of his desire to play cards.

I think disabilities sadden all of us, and every day I am thankful that neither myself or my kids suffer from them. I don't park in handicap spaces and go out of my way to assist someone who is handicapped and in need of a door opened an elevator held etc.

Yesterday I was faced with a very interesting situation. I am in Texas for a month to get out of Vegas until the WSOP and see my kids and relax. The poker bug got me so I decided to take a little drive up to Choctaw Casino in Oklahoma for some cash.

When I arrived the 1/2 list had about five names on the list, with four tables going. After a brief wait, I was seated in a game and there in Seat 8 was a handicapped guy with no arms playing with his feet. I dont think it was the same guy from the WSOP. I admit it, its hard not to stare and I tried my best not too. I also was quick to notice three table change buttons on the table and it was obvious what was going on. I also texted some friends with the whole "You wont believe this" text. After some thought I tried to do my best and not stare and just concentrate on the game. Fail, of course, and it was all I could think about. I didn't request a table change and as we cycled through players, the table change requests kept coming. Finally after a couple of hours the guy went broke with top two that got flushed out. He left and the game returned to some sense of normalcy.

I struggling with my attitude and the fact that I was tilted while he was at the table and really could care less about the game. I kept trying to focus on I was there to win and take his money, but I backed down the two times he raised me.

Question of the day, what would you do, ask for table change, go on about your business or be uber tilted like I was.

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